Friday, August 29, 2008

Virginia Vaycay Picture Overload

Cayson and Gabby headed to Busch Gardens
"Berginia" Beach
Cayson and some Army Rangers
Jesus? No, Abraham Lincoln
Feeding the geese
Hey, that fish is still moving!
Strong current means ankles only
Cayson playing by the water.
What is this place?
Pondering at the WWII Women in War monument
Raising the water level one pee at a time!
Cayson and daddy share the same opinion for Obama

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


School has started again! For Cayson's first day of school Mama Sarah and I took Cayson to school together. Although I really loved his preschool he went to last year, I really think the new one will be great. He's with the school district so its an actual school with classrooms and kids that will hopefully go to kindergarten with him next year. He's getting so big!!!