Cayson and his 9 year old cousin Sara, Grandma Ann, and mama Sarah, took a trip to San Diego. Cayson loved the sea lions at sea world because they were so loud, and he was scared of the sharks because we went under their tank and watched them swim above us. But he loved just playing in the beach at the cove we stayed near. We went near the water a few times with only intentions of getting shells and Cayson always found some way to get as wet as possible. He went all week with out sponge bob and he colored so much and never got sick of his sponge bob leggos, but he really missed his DVDS. It was cool air and allot of great times with monkey Cayson, he really is so good at making everything fun and always being able to make me smile. he is a very sweet spirit but all of you guys already know that. I just really loved having him with me.